A Fit Girl’s Journey: Starting Over

Two years ago, I started on a weight loss journey. It took roughly a year to lose twenty pounds, and a year to gain most of that back. What’s interesting, however, is that my body doesn’t quite look the same as it did in the beginning. The fat distribution seems to be different. Perhaps due to the types of workouts I had been doing, there is still some muscle in certain areas.

For reference, at the beginning of my journey, I weighed 150 -155 lbs with a height of 5’5. My weight naturally fluctuated, but it always stayed within that pocket. After a year of changing my diet and exercising more consistently, I got down to 128. I looked good… But I Monumentalwanted definition! I switched up my routine to incorporate more weight lifting, and the muscle, slowly but surely, started to arrive. Like many of us have experienced, however, life happened, and my workouts got put on the back burner. I still kept up with my new style of eating, and after about eight months, I got back up to 135—which isn’t bad, or bad at all. I still also fit into all of my clothes, but after the holidays, and a trip outside the country, I was up to 140—and freaking out. I doubled down on my high intensity workouts and ended up gaining three pounds. After fluctuating from 140 – 145 for some weeks, I decided to go back to body weight exercises, while keeping the intensity.

I find myself not going down in weight, but discovering muscle definition and strength in certain parts of my body. I can chest press 155 lbs, which was basically me three years ago, and I can do a straight set of 25 push ups, which is MONUMENTAL! #soproud

SO… I got my fitness down. I’m clearly gaining strength and stamina. The calisthenic exercises that I’m doing are great and allow me to stick to my routine at home, when I can’t make it to the gym. Like today, I did a simple series of

4 revolutions:

25 push-ups

25 abs (exercise of your choice)

25 squats

25 bench (couch) dips

And I feel it! Now, I just need to focus on my nutrition, which I have been researching extensively, and will talk about more next week. For now, let me know about your fitness journeys. Are you just starting? Are you a fitness super hero?

If you would like more info or inspiration, check out my website thewritingsol.com, where I feature an interview with the amazing and super fit Funk Roberts.



  1. This is inspirational….I am 57, 5-4 and weight 129 pounds. My challenge is to stay healthy and find an exercise program that can provide both stress reduction and physical strength.


  2. This is very inspirational! I have struggled on this fitness journey. Two years ago I got sick in February and lost 7 pounds. I decided that since I had lost weight that I would do my best to keep losing weight so I stopped eating bad carbs and I started exercising twice a day. I was down 40 pounds by June. Then summer partying happened and I gained all 40 pounds back within a month or two months time. Today I am struggling at a whopping 240 pounds and it is been really difficult to get this weight off. It doesn’t help that with my job there is so much inconsistency regarding my nutrition and exercise habits. I need to get a handle on this.


    1. Hi, Jose. Thank you for sharing your experience. Getting fit can be really difficult. In my experience, the nutrition is the most difficult part. Not only do we eat certain things habitually, but sometimes we have attachments to certain foods as well. A practice that I’ve begun is preparing my meals for the day the night before. Not only does it keep you healthy, but it also saves money. Also, exercising twice a day is so intense! I tried that as well, saw results, but it wasn’t sustainable. I truly believe that one good workout a day and focusing on nutrition is key. I’m currently changing up my eating habits to see what works best for my body.

      I’m positive you can do same. You’ll have the body you want!


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