How To Be Healthy – It’s More than Genetics

My doctor recently told me I had good genes. As great as that sounds, I wasn’t all that thrilled to hear it.

She said this after looking at lab results, which were done for general purposes so there was quite a bit to been seen. Thankfully, everything came back normal, and that’s when she said it. “You have good genes.”

I let the moment pass, but I just knew that wasn’t the only factor at play for my good health. I put too much emphasis on a proper diet and exercise for my “good genes” to be the sole arbiter of my health.

In fact, it could be said that type II diabetes runs in my family. Countless aunts and uncles have it. My late grandmother went blind because of it. Others in my family who are younger than I am have even been diagnosed as pre-diabetic.

Did the diabetes gene skip me? Doubtful.

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. It isn’t caused because your grandmother had it. More and more, it is being linked to the choices one makes in regards to their daily diet. Yes the odd chocolate bar or cookie is reasonable and just bound to happen, but choosing to eat whole, natural foods day in and day out is where one finds health and longevity.

Having an active lifestyle is also a great help in bettering and maintaining one’s health. My diet consists of veggies with a protein source (usually chicken), and if I’ve worked out, a protein shake or bar later that day. I typically try to steer clear of dairy and grains. Both are known to cause inflammation, and dairy is essentially my frenemy.

I go to the gym roughly five times a week and train Brazilian jiu jitsu twice a week. I put my fuel to use, and it’s important to do so. Having a sedentary lifestyle can quickly lead to weight gain, which in turn can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and breathing problems such as sleep apnea.

Given that I, someone who has simply taken the time to research and independently learn about nutrition, can clearly see the link between lifestyle and health, it was disheartening to hear my physician chalk it up to good genetics.

Has your doctor ever told you this? If you’re outside the U.S., how is the link between nutrition and health dealt with in your country?

Happy living,


  1. I don’t get comments on my genes, because those are arguably garbage, but I get a lot of “oh, it’s good that you’re so skinny” comments.

    Which is funny because I’m out of shape af.


    1. I had my gyno compliment how skinny I was right after I was weighed and got excited that I was at my’t even look at my chart, okay, haha.


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