Imposter Syndrome and How I Overcome It

The What
When I first heard of imposter syndrome I thought, “yes, that’s exactly how I feel sometimes.” If you’re not familiar with the term, it captures the sensation of feeling like you don’t have the merit to be where you are in your career or even to embark on a new path. It’s “fake it till you make it,” but we’re calling out that you’re fake.

Like with many things in life, no one is actually calling you out. In fact, when it comes to imposter syndrome, it only feels as if your are faking it, as if you are not actually meant to be there. It’s that nagging seed of self doubt that, for me, comes up when I’m recording a video for my YouTube channel,  when I think  about the fact that I even have a YouTube channel, and even when I’m writing a blog post.

Given my experience with imposter syndrome, this sentiment creeps up because we’re not experts in a given topic or successful in a given field…yet.

The How
I only feel this way when it comes to videography, my blog, and a little bit with social media. However, I don’t let it stop me. I acknowledge the sentiment and keep moving forward. If I feel like my sense of imposter syndrome is coming from a lack of knowledge, then I educate myself.

I’m constantly researching how to grow my blog, reading other blogs, and looking at their aesthetic for inspiration. In regards to social media marketing, I’m currently taking the Hootsuite course, and am planning on getting the certification.

Sometimes, though, you just have to practice. In my case, that means keep writing, keep filming, and keep uploading posts and videos. This is a learn-as-you-do process, and that’s half the fun.


Have you ever felt imposter syndrome? What did you do to overcome it? I’d love to learn some more tips and tricks.


  1. Yes I’m totally with you on this, I always post a blog post and think, what if I can’t think of anything to write next week!? But I always do. The brain is a funny thing. Thanks for sharing! X


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